Kevin and Megan are two of my most favourite people. They were the first proposal I ever photographed in Banff, and getting to be a part of. I skyped with Kevin a few times before the big day and loved him right away! He lit up when he talked about Megan and he was SO […]
These two. (insert heart eye emoji!) Trisha is a fellow photographer and I met her a few years ago at a Photographers Christmas party and embarrassed myself by gushing over her hair. But c’mon, it’s AMAZING hair, and I always always wanted red hair as a kid! Trisha is the biggest sweetheart in the entire […]
I met Brad a few years ago when we lived in Kelowna and we played on the same rec volleyball team! I liked him instantly! He was quick to smile, always positive and liked to joke around with everyone while we played. After we moved from Kelowna back to Abbotsford, we lost touch with him […]
Dana went to highschool with my younger sister, so I knew her already and had seen it on facebook that she had gotten engaged, secretly hoping she would message me about photography because I have always loved her! When she did message I was SO excited!! I met her and Nick for coffee and dessert […]
“I forgot to discuss with you a VERY important matter re: our skype date tonight: feel free to wear your pajamas? I’ll have a somewhat respectable top on so I can get away with wearing my pj bottoms just in case you don’t get this message before Skype hahaha” This was the third email I’d […]