Manning Park Year #21!

You could say it’s a bit of a family tradition. For 21 years now we have been heading up to Manning Park for our annual family camping trip!! With the craziness that’s been our summer, it was SO amazing to get away and have some much much slooooower time together. No phones, no internet, no TV,  nothin! It was amazing!

The campfire ban was lifted just a few days before we left so we had campfires going almost all day! S’mores, roasted hotdogs, and apple crisp on the fire so delicious!

The next 3 weeks for us are pure craziness and I love it!! It’s jampacked with so much fun! We move in 3 weeks so we will be packing madly with country music blaring (and maybe some random dance parties!), I finish up business coaching (I am SOOOO excited to show you what I’ve been working my butt off on!!), I started a new workout program (so I am literally working my butt off!), I have 3 AMAZING weddings  which I am SOOOO Excited for (two local and one away!), a whack load of portrait sessions and some pretty amazing end of summer BBQs!

More about our craziness later….here’s a peek at our trip to Manning!! :)

The stars at Manning are AMAZING! The Milky Way seemed to go right through our campsite!

If you look carefully you can see the Big Dipper right above the bathrooms!

Luca rode his bike for the first time without training wheels! He’s now riding around like crazy!














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