Mark and Kassy: Chilliwack Engagement Sneak Peek!

This may be one of my favouritist sessions ever! (and yes that’s a word) Kassy and Mark are so fun! They kept saying how awkward they thought they looked but seriously, they are so photogenic!

Kassy and Mark braved -8 weather to head WAY out of the way for their engagement pictures this afternoon! The plus side was we got to spend about an hour driving around and getting to know them better! Well, getting to know Mark better! (I’ve known Kassy since she was in Grade 8! She’s good friends with my sister!)

I loved adventuring with them, pulling over at random spots that looked pretty, taking forest roads we didn’t know where they went, and listening to country ;) That’s the BEST kind of session to me!

Here’s a sneak peek!! I had SUCH a hard time just picking a few!!






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