My Sister’s Pregnant!! – Abbotsford Maternity

Marco and I had been trying to get pregnant with baby #2 for about 5 months when I got a phone call from my youngest sister Monique.

“I have some good news!” I immediately thought she had gotten the new job she had been hoping to get….nope not that.

“We are having a baby!” I was so excited and so crushed at the same time. I was so beyond thrilled for my sister and Howard, but at the same time crushed that it hadn’t yet happened for us. After I got off the phone with her, I had a mini cry session with Marco thinking how hard it would be if it took us another 4 months or longer to get pregnant, and wondering why it had taken us so long this time when Luca was first try!

Well the next morning I found out why. God had a plan for me and my sister to be pregnant together! Our initial due dates had us 3 days apart! More tears on my end! I had so much fun telling my parents! I can only imagine how exciting news of two grandkids due 3 days apart must be!

Monique’s ultrasound changed her due date to exactly two weeks before mine, but I keep teasing her that Luca was born two weeks early so I will probably have mine first!

Monique and Howard couldn’t be more excited to welcome baby girl Charlotte sometime the end of February/beginning of March! And neither could I! I officially get to be an Aunty and to a niece!! And I can’t wait to watch our kids grow up together! Growing up I was surrounded by cousins and always LOVED family BBQ’s because of this! With how close my family is, these two will practically be siblings!

Monique and Howard, I can’t wait to see how you two will thrive at being parents!! We already love Charlotte so much and I can’t wait to cuddle her, take pictures of her, and have playdates with our little one!!






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