Pumpkins, Pumpkins, Pumpkins!

This weekend we were up in Kelowna visiting my in-laws! We don’t get to spend Thanksgiving with them this year, so we headed up to have a visit this weekend!

We did our annual trip to TWO pumpkin patches today…our family is serious about pumpkins! Both of them are in Vernon and both of them are TOTALLY different! The first one Davison Farms is the more touristy one, with tractor rides, playgrounds, apple cider, caramel apples, pumpkin spice fudge and all that fun stuff! The other one is simply called “The Pumpkin Patch”. It’s also in Vernon, but it’s a drive in, park in the dirt parking lot, and it’s a MASSIVE field of pumpkins, Indian corn, gourds, squash, and everyone just loads up their cars and pays on the way out.

This is why I LOVE Fall. Sundays filled with family time. Filled to the brim with activities, but activities that we take time for. I love the pumpkin search….the walking from corner to corner and across a pumpkin patch finding that PERFECT one. I love searching high and low for fun coloured gourds for my Fall display at home. I love watching Luca explore, and pull back husks of Indian Corn to see what colour the next one will be. I love watching Sophie kick her legs non stop from the minute we get outside because she just LOVES it. I love spending time together as a family just exploring. Taking time to just enjoy Fall, and experience every minute of it!

Here’s a peek at our day! :)


ps. Marco just MAY have gotten some headshots of me for my new website IN the pumpkin patch. Where else would I get them done?!


Next weekend we are spending Thanksgiving with my family, and headed to ANOTHER pumpkin patch! :)  (Hey I only get this once a year, I have to fill it with as much pumpkin-ness as I can before it’s over!)







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