Stronger together…

To my dear photographer friends,


This job is lonely. The late night editing, the email writing, the blog posting, the website designing, the endless hours spent at a computer alone. In the beginning, I was so frustrated. I felt so totally alone, in this alone. I felt like I was stumbling along the way and didn’t have anyone to reach out to, didn’t know who to reach out to. Chasing a dream is hard without support, and without people along to way to be there for you, and cheer you on, and pick you up when you’ve fallen.

A photographer friend recently sent me the link to Mary Marantz’s post on finding your group. As I read it, I couldn’t stop the tears or the HUGE grin on my face…mostly because I know what it’s like to not have a group, and I also know now what it’s like to have a group….and let me tell you it’s life changing. Suddenly this big, competitive, scary industry isn’t so big, or lonely anymore.


Having experienced both sides of this, my goal is to bring more photographers together. Help other photographers, especially new ones, find their groups. Find their people, because it is the GREATEST feeling ever when you do. So my challenge to you, photographers, is to go out and be brave….send that email to another photographer you’ve been to nervous to send. Find someone in your area, offer to buy them coffee, host a meetup at your house, or find a local SHOOT and SHARE group that’s already  set up and go to a meet up! :) It will be the best thing you ever do. I promise.


Here’s a few photos of what happened at our local meetup last night! :) And if you are in the Vancouver, or Fraser Valley and are interested in joining in, PLEASE let me know!! Send an email, say hi, introduce yourself. I’m not scary, I promise ;)


A HUGE thank you to Matt Kennedy for getting these photos of us! It was so fun watching him work! :)





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