United in California Bound….

Early EARLY Saturday morning, as in 5am early, I leave for the airport with two other photographers to head to Santa Barbara California for United. United is a 3 day photographers conference that I had to miss last year because I was 38 weeks pregnant, and well I was advised not to travel haha.

This year I am SO excited to be able to go! I heard so many stories of how amazing, educational and inspiring last year was and I can’t wait to be a part of it! :)

I added on a day before and a day after to just relax and hang out! (it also happens to be my birthday during United, so I plan to get some paddle boarding in!)

Monday, the first full day of United, I also have the HUGE honor of speaking twice! Once on a Mom’s Panel with two other amazing Moms in the industry! I can’t wait to connect with other Mom/Photographers! :) Later that evening, I am doing a 5 minute fuel! I am trying to live outside my comfort zone this year and WOW is this ever doing it! haha! 20 photographers get 5 minutes to talk on a topic before our mic is turned off! I am so excited to hear what everyone else has! So glad I am going third so I can get the nerves out of the way and relax and enjoy everyone elses!

I can’t wait to soak up as much inspiration as I can and hopefully bring home some of the California weather! :)

*I may have to take a pause for the project365 while I am gone :( I will try my best to keep on top of it, but with how jampacked our daily schedules are I may have to postpone a few! To hold you off here’s a few I got today of the kids! :)

I am gonna miss them so much! SO MUCH! (Sophie is gonna miss me too by that face! haha)





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