We do things the hard way.

“We sure do things the hard way don’t we?!”

This is something Marco and I say to each other atleast once a month. We have never, since we started dating, done things the easy way. EVER. Because of that our life has been an uphill struggle since we started. Many people have commented on how their relatonships wouldn’t have survived what we went through, or that we are crazy for doing what we are doing. Most of the time I have to agree!!

For example a few things we’ve done the hard way….

– We started dating while both on University Sports teams. Our first three weekends of officially dating we spent 23+ hours EACH weekend ON A BUS. We almost broke up. Almost.

– We decided to get married in the middle of our University degrees. Our wedding was 2 weeks after final exams. And we started classes again 2 days after our honeymoon.

– We decided to then get pregnant in our last year of University. Morning sickness is not fun in the middle of your 8:30am Canadian History class!

– We then decided 6 months after our son was born to each start our careers. Now both of our careers aren’t the “get hired by a company, start training, then working for a salary” type careers. They are build your own business from the ground up type businesses.

– 4 months after that we decided to move 4 hours away so Marco could get further training and learn the business from his Dad. Rather than try to put my business on hold, I decided to run it from 4 hours away and travel A LOT.

– 2 years later we decided to move back home. This required Marco to switch offices and essentially start from close to the beginning. He is my hero!

– And then just as my business was starting to really get busy, we decided “hey. let’s have another baby!”

When I look back at the things we have accomplished at the times we attempted to accomplish them I have no clue what we were thinking. I still only have a vague idea.

We do these things because both Marco and I dream BIG. And we don’t take our current situation into account when dreaming big. We don’t think about how long it will take us to get there. We don’t think about how hard it will be to get there. We just start. We know in our hearts we want it and we go. I thank God EVERYDAY for giving me a husband who thinks the same way in that sense because through this entire journey we’ve done it holding hands. I’ve had someone who pushes me to go further, to start projects I am scared of trying, and not worrying about what others will say.

Last night we sat and wrote out our business plans for the last quarter, and 2014. It was exciting to see how far we have come, and also a tad overwhelmed to see how far we have left to go.  I couldn’t imagine taking this journey with anyone else. I am so inspired by him it’s nuts!

After our business planning and goal writing session, I took a few DEEP breaths and wrote out a list of everything I have ever walked away from business wise because I was afraid it wouldn’t work.  I was afraid of the work that would be required to get there. I was afraid of what others would say. I added them as a mandatory TO DO for 2014. I am facing my fears and continuing to do things the hard way because it is SO worth it. So worth it.

So I challenge you to write out your dreams. Write out things you’ve always wanted to do but have been afraid of doing. And go do them. Don’t do things the easy way.



* Me 5 months pregnant at my Grad Ceremonies, and Marco at his with our 8 month old son! :)





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