“MY” 2014.

Yes this year is MY year. I had a rough go of it in 2013 (read about that HERE) and I vowed that 2014 would be a BIG change. It would be totally different than last year. TOTALLY and in every way.

So I took an hour, with a hot cup of tea and wrote out my goals of 2014. I was proud of them. I was ready to be fully committed to all of them.

I then sat down to blog them this morning, and I couldn’t find them ANYWHERE. I tore my house apart looking for it. Gone.

So I sat down again with a cup of coffee (the second time writing your goals is serious business….it called for something a little stronger!) and rewrote them. I am glad I did. I came up with some new goals, and found some I hadn’t even thought of before…and I love this list a whole lot more. Sometimes it’s so obvious that things happen for a reason.

So here they are. My big, dream-filled goals for 2014!

1. Slow down more. I will take more time to slow down and appreciate my life. Be grateful for my life. (Read more about my thoughts on living slower HERE)

2. Live Healthier. We already live pretty healthy but I want to strive to be even healthier. I love to cook and am passionate about finding healthy recipes that are family friendly and don’t taste healthy. We already meal plan (and have for 3 years) but I want to start meal planning breakfast and lunch as well. I also want to exercise on a more regular basis. I normally work out about 2-3 times a week but want to bump that up to 3-5 times a week and try new things! Hot yoga, more volleyball, zumba, etc.

3. Complete Business Coaching. BIG goal. A must have. So excited for this!

4. Learn something new. I haven’t decided what yet, but either knitting or a cooking class to learn new techniques.

5. Book a wedding in Eastern Canada. I am so excited to have one in Ontario this Fall, and I would love to travel even farther east. Nova Scotia, PEI, New Brunswick, Newfoundland…..would LOVE LOVE LOVE to photograph there!

6. Spend more time alone. I have taken about 5 personality tests and they all say the same thing. I am 50/50 introvert/extrovert. I tend to favour the extrovert side and I need to take into account the introvert part of me and realize when I am surrounded with people too much I get overwhelmed and stressed. So I need to force myself to spend more time alone relaxing and recharging.

7. Start dating Marco again. We dropped the ball with date nights in 2013. As in we had two. That is not good enough for me. I want to date him every month. Multiple times. At home dates, dates out, and even maybe if we can swing it, an overnight date :)

8. Push myself creatively. I am starting (and super nervous to do so!!) a 365 project. I am going to try to take one photo a day (with my good camera) of anything! To shoot for me, to push my boundaries, try different things with lighting and just fall in love with photography all over again (I am still in love with it, but fall in love maybe in a different way!)

9. Live outside my comfort zone. I already have a small start on this. I spoke on Shoot and Share Live a few weeks ago and was TERRIFIED. But I did it.

10. Tackle my DIY Pinterest board. I pin and I pin and I never actually do. I need to change that.

11. Grow more. I love to garden. I need to make more time to grow. Flowers, vegetables, fruits and herbs. There is something so therapeutic to growing your own food. (and it helps with goal #2)

12. Write more. Whether it be journalling or blogging. Just writing more. Putting more of my thoughts on paper.

13. Find a church for our family. We want to find one we LOVE. 

14. Go on a best friends trip with my best friend. One of my biggest regrets is not going to Disneyland with my best friend Jessica before we were both married and had kids. We got to the point of having our credit cards out in the travel agents office….and we decided to wait in case I got a job I had applied for. We have still never gone on a trip together. This year it’s HAPPENING.

15. Hike Mt. Cheam with my Dad. For the past 3 summers we have tried to find a time to do it. This year we will!

16. Go on a family vacation just us 4. All our camping trips, ski trips etc are always with either my family or Marco’s family. I LOVE that and wouldn’t trade it for anything, but I also want to add in one trip a year where it’s just us 4. No visiting, just us 4 connecting and spending time together with no other distractions.

17. Down payment for a house. We have never bought a house. We do things the hard way. (read more on that HERE) We put our dream careers and growing a family first and have never had the opportunity to buy our first home. This year I want to work towards that and possibly take the second and third steps into buying our first home!


I am SO excited for these goals. So excited to put them out there so you can all hold me accountable! :) Here’s to the BEST year yet! :)

(A HUGE thanks to Jackie for this photo in California!)






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