PASS and no more discs!

I have had lots of people asking about PASS and my decision to switch over to it and get rid of discs completely so I thought I would write it out in one spot to make it easier!

I understand that it’s hard to not receive something tangible from your session/wedding but I am working on something to supplement that! Trust me though, PASS beats discs in every single area they are compared!

PASS is an online image storing and sharing program that stores the images in an online cloud. This means that you can share, view and download your images from ANY computer ANYWHERE, EVER. It also stores your images online for ONE YEAR with the option to upgrade to 5 years or continue paying an annual fee of $30 to keep your images stored online….which means in case of a fire, or computer crash, your photos are safe!

From my end, once I am done editing your session, I immediately upload your images into your personal PASS gallery. This gets you your images about a week quicker than with a disc….it is saving me time in the burning of the disc, the packaging of the disc, the drive down to the post office, and the time it takes to get to you! It’s also eliminating the few scratched, or broken discs that would sometimes arrive in the mail!

Once they are up on PASS, I send you an email with directions on how to download your gallery to your desktop! This is a TWO step process! I am going to show my Grandma how to do it so she can see and download pictures of her grandson! If she can do it, anyone can!

Once you have downloaded your gallery, you simply log in with either your facebook account or email address and you’re in! From here you can download the images to your desktop, flag your favourites for me if you have ordered prints, canvases or an album, and upload them directly into a facebook album!

My favourite part?! There is an iphone and ipad app! Meaning you can login to and view your images wherever you go! Just last week I went out for lunch with some relatives, and I was able to bring up my PASS app on my iphone and show them some recent pictures of my son without having to go into facebook, or bring my laptop and insert a disc!

My other favourite part is for weddings….if the bride and groom supply me with all the necessary email addresses, I can add family, friends and the wedding party to the gallery so they can download the images they want as well! This takes so much pressure off the bride and groom! I don’t think my wedding party ever even got to see all of our wedding photos, let alone get copies! This is an easy way to share the photos with them, allowing them to download the ones they want, and have some printed for themselves!

And last but not least, with PASS being so new they are constantly adding cool new features, and upgrading the software to make sure it’s always working perfectly! (hmmm sounds like I work for them hey?! haha nope I just love it that much!!)

If anyone has any questions before or after their session on PASS and how your gallery will work don’t hesitate to ask! I am more than willing to walk you through the two step download process once your session is uploaded!





  1. Anja says:

    Awesome post, Justine! I think this will be really helpful in making your clients understand.
    Seems you are very knowledgeable and as I’m close to PASSing my first event, have one question. I understand the ability for clients to flag favourite images for the album design. However, what happens when their friends view the galleries and either purposely or accidentally favourite images? I didn’t see an option in permissions for that. Or maybe this is information that would be included when sending the email to friends & relatives?

  2. Justine Russo says:

    Hmmmm good question!!! I think there is an update where friends and family can create their own accounts, making it so I would only see the favourites for the bride and groom? I will have to check!

  3. Anja says:

    Thanks for getting back to me, Justine! Have a great week :-)

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