The difference in a year…

Wow what a difference a year makes. HUGE.

I haven’t told many people this, but last year at this time I was giving up. I had tried photography for 8 months, and had no bookings in the future. No inquiries, nothing. I was ready to pack away my camera and leave it was a hobby.

I looked into the teaching program, the requirements, the schedule, the cost. I was printing off application forms, and telling my family I was pursuing teaching instead. I wasn’t happy though. I spent hours on facebook and the internet at nights wondering why it was working out for all these other new photographers. Wondering what I was doing wrong.

I prayed that God would lead me in the direction I was meant to take, the one that was best for me. I prayed for the strength to put everything in His hands and let Him show me the way. Did He ever. I woke up one morning just knowing. Knowing that my photography business wasn’t working because I wasn’t running it for me. I was running it the way I had been told to run it. I was following a strict list of do’s and don’ts that I thought were in place.

So I changed everything. I got in contact with other photographers who were just starting out and got a feel for what they were doing. I became more confident in contacting other photographers, asking questions, learning. Within two months I had 4 weddings booked for this year, and I was almost fully booked into the winter. I couldn’t believe it. I was blown away. Blown away by how much difference it made when I believed in myself, trusted in Him and did things for me…not for what everyone else was saying.

Thank you God, thank you family and friends, and a HUGE thank you to everyone else who believed in me, who leaves comments, and who takes the time to stop and have a look. It literally means the world to me!





  1. Lauren Wiebe says:

    What beautiful words! So encouraging for my own life as well. Congratulations on everything you’ve done, and thank you for sharing!

  2. Justine Russo says:

    Thanks so much Lauren! That means so much! Especially from a successful wedding magazine editor :)

  3. kristine says:

    Wow that is so cool :) You are great:) If you ever need a personal assistant think of me:)

  4. Julie says:

    I am so proud of you! Sometimes timing is everything…we may not always know how the whole puzzle is supposed to be put together, but the Big Guy upstairs does…our God is so good isn’t he…and his puzzles always fit together perfectly. May you be blessed in your photography adventures…and may you have a blast doing it.

  5. Justine Russo says:

    haha thanks Kristine! You are great too! You are definitly at the top of my list for Personal Assistants!

  6. Justine Russo says:

    Thanks so much Julie! I love that “His puzzles always fit together perfectly” so true! Sometimes it’s just a matter of finding that missing piece!

  7. […] trying to find any information that would help me. It wasn’t until last July when I almost gave it up. No one had booked. I spent lots of time thinking about why. Am I not good enough? Do my pictures […]

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