What a day!

Today was an emotional day….BIG TIME. And for many many reasons.

We shall start with the bad! I know I tend to be open about everything that goes on in my life and sometimes that can cause some backlash I guess. There was someone who was really disappointed. They felt that some clients had received special treatment over others….and there were some very nasty and hurtful things said. It broke my heart that they felt this way. The truth of it all is that this was my first year shooting weddings…and I have grown over the year, and so has what I offer. I wish I could have had pretty packaging for every client, I wish my new website had been up for every client, I wish I had bought the slideshow program earlier so every client could have had one. But with this being my first year I had to grow, I had to take things one step at a time, I had to spend time figuring out how I wanted to do things. I want to apologize for the earlier in the year clients who may feel shorted, but on the other hand I don’t. They knew they were hiring a newer photographer…with that may have come a bit less of the bells and whistles but it also came with a cheaper price. I try to treat every client equally and with so much love! I chose certain photos for the website based on how I think it will attract future clients. I want to attract clients that I LOVE, that I want to be long time friends with and by showcasing images that are perfect examples of my style I believe it will do just that. I don’t put up photos because I like anyone better than others, I put up photos based on what style I am trying to attract. Please know I love all of you so much!!

Okay enough with the bad! And onto the exciting….my new website launched! www.justine-russo.com go check it out! It’s countless hours of blood sweat and tears…mixed with feelings of inspiration, frustration and confusion! It felt so good to sit back and say “YES!” when it was done and what I had pictured WAAAAY back in February in my head. That led to it being sketched out on paper, and then finally this past August started to be put into Showit, and something more tangible!

Thank you for the amazing kind words, and compliments. They exceeded anything I ever thought! Thank you 100x for taking the time to look at it!

The 2nd amazing thing was my Secret Santa gift arrived!!!!!!! Hello UPS man! I was so excited! Lots of people asked who the secret santa was with!?

It was with Showiteers! It’s a group of the most stellar people I have EVER met before in my entire life….only the funny part is I have only ever actually in person met 2-3 of them. The rest it’s only over facebook, email, skype, and any other forms of communication we can figure out how to force the love on each other. They have literally changed my business and a lot of my personal life. I am so bummed I won’t get to meet many of them face to face in Vegas…..BUT in 2013 I will be ready to hug the faces off everyone!

Anyways, a little over a month ago someone posted in the group that we should have a secret santa! I was in! So many people were in and LOVED the idea! I got paired up with Courtney Parish in LA! I had tons of fun creeping her facebook page, pinterest page and website to find out her interests! I found out we had a VERY similiar style so shopping was easy! I went and picked out a scarf and necklace that I LOVED and sent it on it;s way!

Today my gift arrived! This person KNEW me! haha I knew they had spent some serious time on my Pinterest page cause almost all the gifts were right off of it! They tried so hard to be sneaky but I found Jackie’s name on the top corner of the shipping form! I am so glad I know it’s her, cause otherwise I wouldn’t be able to thank her for the best present ever! She is the most talented lady ever! She MADE EVERYTHING! And I LOVE it! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


 Seriously she MADE these!!!! I am so in love!

 I think the pearls are my fav…..already planning tomorrows outfit around them!

 Isn’t the picture frame awesome?!?! Hanging it in our bedroom tonight! Gonna make Marco write something nice on it too :)





  1. Syl says:

    I think its amazing that you’re so open Justine – way to go! Your new site looks great, and I totally agree w/ your take on your personal growth and development as a photographer. Keep your chin up ~ you’ve got talent and mean-speaking people showcase a lot of their own unhappiness in their words. You’re doing great! Keep it up! Oh…and ps – LOVE that your site is snowing too :)

  2. Tammy says:

    Babe, that secret Santa gift us truly awesome. And I can’t believe someone would make you feel bad for not offering stuff when you were new. We all went through out trials when we are starting out business. I wish I had all the resources I had now. I learned so much about you in this post. THank you!

  3. Justine Russo says:

    Thanks so much Sylvia!! That means so much!!
    I LOVE that it’s snowing too! I was more excited over that app than any of the other more important ones! haha

  4. Briana Shuman says:

    Love all your gifts you got. amazing! Don’t ever feel bad for being you….I think people who are ‘Raw’ are the best kind ;) Love ya lots!!

  5. Meg Courtney says:

    I LOVE THIS POST JUSTINE! Love the openess, honesty, and confidence! You’re a total rockstar! <3

  6. Cassandra says:

    Such a GREAT post Justine…I have been in this business for 8 years now, and one thing you learn…is that no matter how hard you try, you just can’t please everyone…its completely impossible. We put so much into what we do and it is very hard when it isn’t completely appreciated…we don’t do this to get rich, we do it because we LOVE it so much. My motto in life (and this business) is to focus on the positive and keep the negative as far away as possible…we may have to deal with the negative sometimes, but definitely focus on the good…which I know you do because you are smiling so big in every photo I’ve ever seen of you!! Chin up, because you are an amazing photographer, and from what I can tell from your blog posts and facebook statuses, you are an equally amazing person :)

  7. Trevor says:

    Those gifts are awesome.

  8. Congratulations on your new site Justine! Your hard work has paid off and it looks incredible! Now to celebrate! :) Also, what an incredibly thoughtful secret Santa package – love it!!! Especially the gorgeous bracelet that looks like red berries!

  9. Justine Russo says:

    THanks Briana! I think that too! :)

  10. Justine Russo says:

    Thanks :) YOu are a super rockstar right back! <3

  11. Justine Russo says:

    Cassandra! You are the best! :) Thank you so much for reminding me of all that!

  12. Justine Russo says:

    aren’t they the best?!?! And woah! Trevor Dayley commented on my blog!!! Whoop Whoop! :)

  13. Justine Russo says:

    That one and the pearls were my favorite!!! LOVE them!!! :) And thanks Courtney! I was so excited to launch it today!

  14. Justine Russo says:

    awe thank you so so much Tammy!! :)

  15. Justine Russo says:

    i looooove you :)

  16. i want to be friends with your friend. :) beautiful goodies!

  17. Justine Russo says:

    haha isn’t she AMAZING!??! I have never even met her either! haha just know each other through facebook! She blew my socks off!

  18. alysha says:

    Justine you are such an inspiration to me! I love that you are soo honest and well… human! LOL. I am facing lots of challenges with starting my photography buisness (both exciting and frustrating) and its a breath of fresh air to hear you speak the truth about what you go through as a photographer, mother, etc. Its sad that some of your early clients feel that they didnt get “special treatment” but I feel like we learn as we go and every client teaches us more about what we want to offer them. You are amazing and I look forward to meeting you one day. Dont let anyone make you feel anyother way!! :) Merry Christmas, your site looks gorgeous!

  19. Justine Russo says:

    Alysha! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I try to be real and open and honest! I wish you all the best and would love to work together soon! :)
    I hope you have a VERY Merry Christmas as well! :)

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