Valentine’s Day…

I love holidays….any holiday….any excuse to spend time with the ones you love and celebrate them is wonderful to me.

We have always celebrated Valentine’s Day, but “our” way. We never go out, we don’t buy cards, we don’t buy chocolates, or presents, or anything of the sort.

Facebook yesterday was filled with Valentine’s YAY and Nays. The nays I have to say I agree with. It frustrates me that some girls expect jewelery, chocolates, flowers and elaborately planned evenings. The point of the day is not for your significant other to empty his wallet and stress himself out planning something for you. Yes it’s amazingly nice and sweet if he does, but that’s not the point at all. Valentine’s Day is meant to be spent with the person you love, with people you love. It’s not specifically for people in relationships either….celebrate with your family, with your siblings, with friends. To me it’s about celebrating those you love….I feel sad when I hear people who don’t celebrate at all, or others who say they “hate” the holiday. It’s easy to feel that way if you get caught up in the hype, media and commercialization of it…it’s the same with any holiday. But if you keep it simple, remember what the true meaning of the holiday is and celebrate if your way it’s great! :)

The yay’s of Valentine’s Day are the best! I love the joy of special days. Especially now that I have a child. He gets so excited and he just somehow knows it’s a special day! He baked Valentine’s cookies with his Nana the week before and brought them home to surprise us and he was so proud handing them over! IT was so sweet. Yesterday morning, we walked up to the dollar store to get some paints, and I bought him a red Valentine’s balloon and I am not gonna lie I cried in the store! He had the biggest grin on his face and he kept saying, “balloon” over and over again….and I got the biggest jump into my arms hug ever! THAT right there is why I celebrate Valentines Day!

We spent the afternoon painting, and colouring with his new window crayons! My sliding doors are currently covered in 2 year old art and I love it! He painted Daddy a Valentine’s heart for when he got home and Marco loved it.

I was so excited for Marco to come home! I had planned a relaxing, fun family evening at home and he had no idea! I had a series of cards telling him what was gonna happen next, and he loved it!

For dinner I made a lamb roast, Olive Garden’s mushroom risotto (Luca helped with the stirring!), and grilled asparagus! I LOVE to cook and this was my kinda dinner to cook! Then for dessert I made the greatest dessert knownto man. I wish again I could remember where I found the idea from…I need to start writing it down so I can credit them! Caramel ice cream sandwich cake! SOOO good!

After dinner we made a bed/fort in the living room and watched “Cars 2” as a family. Luca LOVED it….he was so snuggly! Once we put him to bed, Marco and I cuddled on the couch with glasses of our favourite wine, and watched our Tuesday night shows (hello drama Biggest Loser!!!)

It was the perfect Valentine’s Day!


Caramel Ice Cream Sandwich Cake (even you non cooks can handle this one!) 

Line a 9×13 rectangle pan with ice cream sandwiches

Cover with an entire bottle of Smuckers caramel ice cream topping

Top with entire container of defrosted Cool Whip

Freeze an hour or two and cut and enjoy! It looks so impressive too!

For my birthday (in 11 days!) I am going to try a Neopolitan one! Switch out Caramel topping for Fudge topping and slivered strawberries!


Marco’s home made card, and the place settings I made!

The amazing sign Jackie made me for Christmas! :)

Our menu :)

Marco’s cards telling him what we were doing next!  (After card 2, he got to pick A or B…what he didn’t know was they BOTH said “Give your wife an amazing massage”! haha I thought it was pretty sneaky!)

Marco’s tin of his favourite candy! Conversation hearts! My favourite “Fax Moi!” hee hee

Luca coloured hearts to decorate the wall!

Luca saw I had my camera out, and asked me to take some pictures of him with his balloon! haha his latest thing is putting his hands in his jean pockets….ALL THE TIME! It’s too cute!

Hope you all had a great day yesterday! :)





  1. Love, love, love this post Justine!!! I seriously love everything about it! I just finished saying to my Mom this morning when i went over for coffee… I wish more people could see Valentines Day as a day to celebrate the people you love instead of boo-ing it, or putting so much pressure on your partner! anyways like I said.. love the post, and the pictures, and PS Luca is going to be quite the little model!

  2. Ruth says:

    Thats so beautiful! And Luca is cute!! What for a photogenic son you have! ;-)

  3. Justine Russo says:

    Thanks Ashley! I think so too! Those people make the world a dreary place!

  4. Justine Russo says:

    Thanks Ruth!!

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