Favourite Weddings 2014

Being so sentimental, looking back on the weddings of the season is obviously one of my favourite year end activities. I love reliving all of your special days as I look back through your photos choosing my favourites. This year choosing them was SO hard. I really just wanted to share all the original blogposts all over again! (Which I kinda did sneakily! If you click on the photos, they will take you to the original blogpost….sneaky hey?)

Career wise, this year was the best I have ever had.  I reached every last one of my goals. (okay except one, but I am sure booking a wedding in Italy will happen in 2015. I feel it.)

I travelled more than I ever had for weddings and I LOVED every single minute of it. From Cancun Mexico, Harrison Hot Springs, Summerland, Kelowna, West Vancouver, Las Vegas, Cambridge Ontario, Cranbrook BC, Sunshine Coast BC and Chilliwack Lake it was the most adventurous season of weddings I’ve ever had!

I pushed myself further than I ever thought possible, and had many exhausted Monday mornings, but I firmly believe if you don’t risk going too far, you don’t know how far you can really go. This year was a risk for me. It was the second most weddings I had ever done, but this year I was doing it with two kids. I travelled for half my weddings, and was a bridesmaid in a wedding I was ALSO shooting. I also planned on continuing to do all of my own editing, finish up business coaching and redesign my website. I risked going too far, and I have never been happier!

Personally, I am so grateful for each and every single one of these couples. I cried at EVERY single one of your weddings, I was welcomed into all your families, and I am so blessed to get to call all of you friends. You all made my laugh, and we shared some of my favourite memories of the year together! As sappy as it sounds, you all made my year as happy as it was. I COULD NOT have done this, or be this happy without you guys! THANK YOU!

Before I get even more sentimental, I’ll leave you with my absolute favourite wedding photos from 2014!



** Be sure to follow Justine Russo on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM to stay updated on the new website/brand update on January 14!





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